Business Insights and Wealth Strategies for Physicians

In this podcast, financial planner and physician spouse Justin Harvey equips anesthesia and pain management physicians to make strategic career choices and smart financial decisions. Learn from doctors, legal advisors, and thought leaders as this interview driven podcast sets anesthesia and pain management physicians up for success.


Recent Episodes

Episode 236: Six Easy Wins For Transitioning To Attendinghood

Episode 236: Six Easy Wins For Transitioning To Attendinghood

 Transitioning from training to attendinghood can be both exciting and daunting, especially as you approach the culmination of your residency or fellowship. In this episode, we'll uncover six actionable strategies to ease this transition and set yourself up for...

Episode 233: Financial Benefits of Homeownership

Episode 233: Financial Benefits of Homeownership

 What are the financial benefits of homeownership? Is homeownership the best financial move you can make to solidify your long-term wealth goals? Today I’ll answer these questions and more as I continue the homeownership vs. renting theme I began last week. (If...