I’ve been discussing balance sheet liquidity with several people and have noticed that many seem to have relatively thin liquidity. In this episode, you’ll learn all about liquidity and how to guard against adverse financial events by ensuring you’re at a healthy level of liquidity. I’ll specifically discuss your practice and how it comes into play when creating more liquidity in your life and finances.

Listen in to hear about some of the key areas you should pay attention to in order to ensure you have a better safety net and margin of resiliency set up. You’ll learn about common instances where people tend to get stuck in a difficult place when it comes to illiquid assets (and how to avoid these instances in your life). I will also walk you through your different liquid and illiquid assets and what it takes to start to shift your balance sheet to a more liquid state.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • What liquidity is and how to know what level of liquid your assets are at.
  • What it means to be illiquid and examples of what it can do to your finances.
  • Important metrics to look at to better build up your safety net and margin of resiliency.
  • Where many physicians get caught up in too many illiquid investments.
  • How to migrate liquidity from your practice to your balance sheet.
  • The benefits of migrating liquidity out of your business.


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