wealth building

Episode 224: New Year’s Updates

 Even if you’re not a future client, my goal is to arm you with knowledge for financial success and progress. In this episode, I will be sharing updates on APM Wealth and what you can expect for the coming year in terms of the podcast. Tune in for valuable... read more

Episode 222: Choose Your Battles Wisely To Focus On What Really Matters

This week, we’re revisiting a previous episode that serves as a valuable tool for investors looking to optimize their behavioral, mental, and intellectual approach to position themselves for success. Successful investing and wealth-building often involve not... read more

Episode 217: Discussing Pain Management Career Decisions On The ASPN Podcast

 Are you a physician looking to excel not just in clinical practice, but also in managing your career and building wealth? In this episode, we delve into the critical aspects of physician practice management and wealth-building with insights shared from a recent... read more

Episode 216: Asking Advisors The Right Questions In Investment Performance

 Are your investments truly performing to their full potential? In this episode, we delve into the critical aspects of investment and portfolio performance that every physician should consider. We’ll address key questions to ask when evaluating your... read more

Episode 197: Academic Year-End Roundup – Financial Tips For Graduating Residents & Fellows

As the academic year draws to a close, it’s a time of excitement and anticipation for many residents and fellows. You’ve worked hard to hone your skills and gain valuable experience, and now you’re preparing to take the next step in your career. But... read more